The aim of the workshop is to stimulate interactions between various aspects of moduli theory, and its recent developments.
If you wish to attend, please fill in this form so that we have an idea of the number of participants.
We have some funding available for travel and accommodation, especially for junior participants. If you wish to apply for this, please do so before October 31.
List of speakers
- Alastair Craw (Bath University)
- Mátyás Domokos (Alfréd Rényi Institute of Mathematics)
- Yajnaseni Dutta (Leiden University)
- Martijn Kool (Utrecht University)
- Johannes Krah (Bielefeld University)
- Andreas Krug (Hannover University)
- Emanuele Macrì (Université Paris-Saclay)
- Tudor Padurariu (Sorbonne Université)
- Markus Reineke (Bochum University)
- Andrea Ricolfi (SISSA)
- Kamil Rychlewicz (École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne.)
- Špela Špenko (Université Libre de Bruxelles)
- Germán Stefanich (Max Planck Institute for Mathematics)
- Yifei Zhao (University of Münster)
The workshop is organised by
- Pieter Belmans (University of Luxembourg)
- Sarah Scherotzke (University of Luxembourg)
- Nicolò Sibilla (SISSA)
The workshop is supported by the Luxembourg National Research Fund, through OPEN: AdEMAR (FNR–17113194) and OPEN: DeMoReSh (FNR-18107005).